Musei Universitari Unimore
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Italian University Museums

In the Recommendation on the Governance and Management of University Heritage, adopted by the Council of Europe in 2005, the heritage of the University Museums is defined as "the totality of vestiges tangible and intangible assets of human activities related to higher education. It is a reserve of accumulated wealth that directly affects the community of the university students and for students, their beliefs, their values, their results, their social and cultural function, as well as the mode of transmission of knowledge and the faculty of innovation". The document stressed the need for museums to present with clarity the perception of their heritage, to put in place policies and to enable processes for the conservation, enhancement, and the increase of their heritage (ART. 8). 

The University Museums have collaborations with the MIBACT-Ministry of cultural Heritage and Tourism, in particular with regard to the activities of cataloguing with the ICCD-Central Institute for the Catalog and the Documentation.

The University Museums are active in the context of the International Committee UMAC at the international level, and of the Universeum- European Academic Heritage Network at the European level.

Fundamental mission of the University Museums is the activation of a dialog between museums and global context in order to focus on the specific identity of their own collections, to promote opening toward lifelong learning activities addressed to a varied public.

Guidelines for the University Museums